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Communication is about more than words, its about



interaction and sharing inner dialogue.

Communication skills enable children to interact with others in their environment to express their needs, share their thoughts, and demonstrate their knowledge. Communication is about more than words, it is about interaction and sharing of our inner dialogue. Learning to communicate effectively also means learning to listen and to make sense of the communication attempts of others. In this context general knowledge is where children show knowledge about the world, such as knowing that apple is a fruit and that dogs bark. 


We know that these skills enable children to form a sense of belonging, develop friendships, engage in learning, and feel understood. 


Communication skills support children to follow instructions, understand boundaries and expectations, and seek help from adults. Children who can communicate their thoughts, beliefs and feelings are better able to have their needs met so that they can then make the most of the learning opportunities in their environments. 


We know that children develop communication skills and general knowledge through listening and talking. Infants communicate through babbling, facial expressions, and vocalisations. These are the building blocks of later communication. Through exposure to communication children also learn the rules of conversation; waiting for their turn to speak, listening for content, and replying appropriately. By the time children are ready to start primary school,  most have developed an impressive vocabulary that enables them to express ideas and concepts and demonstrate their understanding of and interest in how the world around them works. 

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